Minutes of South West Scotland Grassland Society Committee

Thursday 27th Feb 2020

In attendance

Andrew Best, Robin Campbell, Peter Cowan, Hugh McClymont, Callum McGinley, Andrew Nelson, David Yates.


Drew Watson, Angus Brown

1/ Approval of last committee meeting minutes.

2/ Results of email to all committee members asking whether they wish to support the SWSGS as a committee member or step down from the committee.

Results are as follows.

To resign and step down.

James Dunlop, Rhidian Jones, Robert Fleming, John Watson, A.Braid,R Ramsay, A.Kerr, D.Millar.

The new committee as follows.

Andrew Best
Angus Brown
Robin Campbell
Peter Cowan
Hugh McClymont
Callum McGinley
Andrew Nelson
Drew Watson
Wallace Welsh
David Yates

3/ After further discussion with Andrew Best, he agreed to remain as Secretary. The potential replacements for the post of secretary which were discussed at the last committee on the 23rd Jan 2020, Mrs Tammy McCombe, nominated by Peter Cowan and Miss Grace Smith, nominated by Hugh McClymont, will be informed of the situation

5/ Angela Henderson has agreed to continue as Treasurer.

6/ It was discussed and agreed, that the SWSGS should concentrate on the Winter meeting and Forage competition, and for the rest of the year acting as an information hub about other meetings that would be of interest to members.

7/ Robin Campbell agreed to help with the social media publicity.

8/ Bank Accounts. The balances are as follows.

Bank of Scotland @ 20/12/19 £2698.94

Clydesdale @ 10/08/19 £2757.24

It was explained to the Committee that the main issue of the accounts is access to the Clydesdale Bank, as we have no access to this account, the only signatories was the Late Gordon Tiley. To remedy this, we have applied to the Cyldesdale Bank to have three signatories, Angela Henderson, Andrew Best and Peter Cowan.

9/ Summer meeting, Date and Location.

It was decided that as the East of Scotland Grassland Society was having a three-day visit to SW Scotland in May, that the need for a summer meeting would not be necessary. As members of the SWSGS would be welcome to accompany the ESGS on any of the Farm visits planned.

The planned dates of the ESGS are as follows.

Tuesday 5th May 2020: Visit to Hartbush Farm Amisfield.

Wednesday 6th May 2020: Visit to Drumdow Farm, Inchpark Farm.

Thursday 7th May 2020: Visit to Glenapp.

10/ Winter meeting

Date: Agreed farm visit and Forage competition should be 3rd December 2020.

Judge: Jimmy Warnock will be approached to Judge the Forage Competition, by Hugh McClymont.

2nd Choice: Jim Neil, Kelso

Location. For farm visit.

Smith, Barknight, Mauchline, Ayrshire. He will be asked by Wallace Welsh if he would be happy to host the farm visit.

Details of the competition

Young farmer category to remain as 26 and younger.

The collection of a £5 donation for catering at Farm meetings will cease.

It will be the responsibility of the Committee to raise sponsorship at farmer meetings, therefore taking the responsibility from the Secretary and reducing potential conflict with other parties.

The target for sponsorship should be £400 per meeting. This will cover catering, prizes and other expenses.

It was agreed that glasses should continue for the 1st placed prize winners, but all 1st,2nd and 3rd placed entries, should receive a certificate.

11/ We propose to put forward Smith, Barknight, Mauchline, Ayrshire, as our entry for Scottish Grassland Competition 2020. Wallace Welsh will confirm this is acceptable to Mr Smith.

12 / Our nomination as a Judge for the Scottish Grassland Competition 2020 will be David Yates, and reserve Callum McGinley.

10/ Any other business

1: Hugh McClymont will approach Alison Clark of the SRUC if she wishes to join the Committee.

It was requested that the secretary circulates a list of all emails and mobile phone numbers to other committee members. These contact details have always been available on the SWSGS website at https://www.swsgrasslands.org/committee-south-west-grassland-society/


Andrew Best

Burnbrae, Clarebrand, Castle Douglas, DG7 3AN

andrew.best@virgin.net, 07967 395588.

Drew Watson,

Byeloch Farm, Mouswald, Dumfries, DG1 4JV

Byeloch@btinternet.com,           07850 894606,

Angus Brown,

Charlesfield, Annan, Dumfriesshire, DG12 5RG

angusbrown58@@gmail.com    07711681504,

Hugh McClymont

hugh.mcclymont@sruc.ac.uk,           0797 9245905,

SAC Crichton Royal Farm, Glencaple Road,Dumfries, DG1 4AS

Andrew Nelson

Cogarth, Parton, Castle Douglas,DG7 3BQ          

Cogarthfarm@btconnect.com,07803 270951,

David Yates

Meikle Firthhead, Haugh-of-Urr, Castle Douglas, DG7 3LA

Kirstyyat@gmail.com     07860 845315,

Robin Campbell

Cally Mains, Gatehouse of Fleet,  DG7 2ND                        

robin_campbell1993@outlook.com,       0746 8860758,

Wallace Welsh

Warnockland, Fenwick, Kilmarnock, KA3 6ER

warnockland@gmail.com, 0792 1363863,